Saturday, November 30, 2013


Dec. 1 - Presidency Message - Ramona Clapperton
Dec. 8 - Lesson #22 "Doing Good to Others"- Gail Ahlstrom
Dec.15 - Lesson #23 "The Prophet Joseph Smith" - Jeanette Cornell
Dec.22 - Teachings for our Times - TBA
Dec.29 - Bishopric Message (Combined RS and Priesthood)
December 4th @ 6:30 PM we will have our Relief Society Christmas Social held at Mary Stirland's home. Please come for a very fun evening!
December 7th @ 8:00 AM will be our annual Ward Christmas Breakfast. It will be at the church, and it will be the best breakfast ever. You must come!!!
"The Final Week of the Life of Christ" taught by Bro. Garth Tesch will NOT be taught in December. The class will resume January 14, 2014.

Friday, November 29, 2013


Hi Everyone! It's taken me awhile to get this up and running, and it hasn't always been pretty, but we now have three possible ways of letting you get your Huntsville 1st Ward Relief Society fix* through the wonders of the interwebs. 

We have the Facebook group, the blog, and an email list. Many of you are included in more than one of those. The information in each is going to be exactly the same, so you're free to ask me to remove you from the email list (just reply to this email), or leave the FB group, or whatever your preference is so that you're only getting hit once. 

And ... I think that's all for now. Thanks!

*Disclaimer: NOT for entertainment purposes. This is an avenue for sharing announcements, events, reminders, etc.